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To enter the park, a copy of this waiver must be completed and signed for every patron. Before signing, however, please read the waiver in full and be certain that you understand the implications of signing.

Express Assumption of Risk Associated with Recreational Activities:

I, hereby affirm and acknowledge that I fully understand the hazards and risks. (Please print your first & last name above in provided boxes)

associated with the many outdoor and other recreational activities in which I am about to engage at Frequency One Fest. The inherent risks and hazards include but are not limited to:

1) Injuries sustained from any and all outdoor activities, such as running, jumping, hiking, biking, climbing, camping, cooking, engaging in sporting events such as basketball, volleyball, fishing and more.

2) Injuries sustained from objects that are either natural or man-made, such as rocks, cliffs, trees and campfires, or

from misjudging trails or other terrain that induces slipping, falling, colliding or otherwise.

3) Injuries and illnesses sustained from swimming, diving, scuba diving, cliff jumping, impacting the water, and/or

water entering bodily orifices.

4) Injuries from hypothermia, heat stroke, dehydration, etc from exposure to the elements, such as rain, cold,

excessive heat or the weather in general.

5) Physical and monetary injuries sustained due to personal negligence and/or the negligence of others, crowds,

altercations with other patrons, the excessive use of alcohol, the prohibited use of illegal drugs, and the like.

6) Injuries or illnesses sustained from either plants or animals, such as poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac,

aggressive or biting pets, service animals, wildlife or exposure to any plants or animals present within the park in


7) Accidents, injuries or illnesses occurring in remote locations where no immediate medical attention is available.

Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims and Indemnity Agreement:

In making it possible to participate in many of the above-described activities and more, I both agree and acknowledge


1) I hereby release and hold harmless with respect to any and all illness, injury, disability, death, or loss or damage

to person or property—whether caused by negligence or otherwise—the following named persons or entities,

herein referred to as Releasees: Frequency One Fest, L.L.C., Legacy Lake, L.L.C. of 4813 E River Rd NE Rochester, MN; Emily Thompson, Eric Fitzpatrick, Adam Lien, Rory Londer and All other parties parties hired or volunteering at the


2) I hereby release the Releasees, their officers, directors, managers, employees, representatives, agents, volunteers,

and other vessels from any and all liability and responsibility and for any claims that I, my estate, heirs, survivors,

executors, or assigns may have for personal injury, property damage, or wrongful death arising from the above

activities whether caused by active or passive negligence of the Releassees or otherwise. By executing this

document, I agree to hold the Releasees harmless and indemnify them in conjunction with regard to any illness,

injury, disability, death, or loss or damage to my own personal property that can ensue from engagement in the

full body of activities as stated above and otherwise.

3) By entering into this agreement, I am not relying on any oral or written representation or statements made by the

Releasees other than that set forth in this agreement.

*This release shall be binding to the fullest extent permitted by law. If any provision of this release is found to be unenforceable, the remaining terms shall still be enforceable.


The signature below is to certify that, as the parent or legal guardian with full responsibility for this attendee, I understand that said minor is not to wander throughout the park unattended but is to be accompanied by his or her parent(s) or legal guardian(s) at all times. I therefore consent and agree not only to his or her release of all Releasees but also to release and indemnify the Releasees from any and all liabilities incident to his or her involvement in these activities for myself, my heirs, assigns, and next of kin.


In consideration of the risk of personal injury, loss, harm, or damage to my person or property while voluntarily

participating in any and all activities, including but not limited to: promoted events, recreational activity,

themed and/or music festivals, camping and/or organized gatherings (“Activity”), and as to consideration for

the opportunity to participate in the Activity, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, assigns,

or personal representatives knowingly and voluntarily enter into this waiver and release of liability, hold

harmless, indemnity agreement (“Agreement”) and hereby waive any and all rights, claims, or causes of action

of any kind whatsoever arising out of my participation in the Activity, and do hereby release and forever

discharge land owner, Rory Londer and

Frequency One Fest L.L.C., a Minnesota limited liability company (“Owner”) and, in addition their respective affiliates, managers, members, agents, attorneys, staff, volunteers, heirs, representatives,

predecessors, successors and assigns (collectively “Releasees”) for any physical or psychological injury, including

but not limited to illness, personal injury, death, economical or emotional loss, and/or other damages that I may

suffer as a direct or indirect result of entrance upon the premises (defined below) and/or my participation in the

aforementioned Activity, including traveling to and from this Activity or on the Premises.

I agree and understand upon entering onto the land and improvements there on the property owned by Rory Londer, et al, commonly known at 4707 East River Rd NE, Rochester, Minnesota (“Premises”) and/or

participating in any Activity, my status pursuant to Minnesota law is that of a licensee. I acknowledge and confirm Owner does not control or have the right, power, or authority to admit or exclude people from the

Premises. Owner does not manage or oversee the affairs and/or Activities being conducted on the Premises for Frequency One Fest, L.L.C.

I agree and understand inherently dangerous conditions and/or open and obvious hazards may exist on the Premises, whether naturally existing or not, including but not limited to: unstable

terrain, elevations, waterfalls, ponds, lake, flooding, other sources of accumulated water, rocks, hills, caves, cliffs, stages, stairs, lights, sounds, mechanical equipment, electrical equipment, vegetation and BOTH wild and domestic animals.

I acknowledge and confirm my duty and obligation to avoid inherently dangerous hazards and openly obvious hazards which may exist on the Premises.

I further acknowledge and agree without contest to recognize and agree with any and all posted signs on the Premises which may warn of a danger or condition, or which prohibits entry or engagement. I agree not to engage, advance, or partake in any illegal conduct while on the

Premises or participating in Activity. Owner makes no warranties, representations or assurances, expressed or implied, as to the Premises or its condition(s). I am not relying on any oral or written representations, warranties or assurances, expressed or implied.

The risks and exposures of Activity may include, but are not limited to, those caused by: terrain, facilities, temperature, fire, water, ice, lightning, other weather conditions, lack of hydration, condition of participants,

exposure to intoxicants brought onto the Premises, equipment, vehicular traffic and actions of others, including but not limited to, participants, volunteers, spectators, performers, event officials, event monitors,

and/or event producers.

I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Releasees against any and all claims, suits, or actions of any kind whatsoever for liability, damages, compensation or otherwise brought by me or anyone on my behalf, including attorney’s fees and any related costs, if litigation arises pursuant to any claims made by me or by anyone else

acting on my behalf against or involving Releasees. If Releasees incur any of these types of expenses, I agree to promptly reimburse Releasees upon demand. I acknowledge that Releasees and their directors, officers,

volunteers, representatives and agents are not responsible for errors, omissions, acts or failures to act of any party or entity conducting a specific event or Activity on the Premises.

I acknowledge and agree that children or legal minors (under 18 years of age) brought onto the Premises for

any reason whatsoever shall be fully attended, supervised and cared for at all times.

As a parent or legal guardian, I agree to release, hold harmless, and indemnify the Releasees in full force and effect as it is otherwise

stipulated within this Agreement, any and all claims which may be brought on behalf of my minor child.

To the extent that statute or case law does not prohibit complete release, hold harmless, and indemnity against damages, this Agreement shall be effective and enforceable in several parts to the maximum extent permitted by law. In the event I should require medical care or treatment, I agree to be financially responsible for any costs incurred as a result of such treatment.

Please complete the waiver below.
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